Seven years and over 300 projects in, check out some of
the cool projects we have been fortunate to work on.


Vascular Plant Inventory at 1,200 Acre Muscatatuck Urban Training Center

Butlerville, Indiana.  Client – Beam, Longest, and Neff.  Project Owner – Department of Defense



Bloomington, Indiana.  Client – Shrewsberry and Associates.  Project Owner – Indiana University

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stream assessment, permit application, and stream restoration design

Owen County, Indiana.  Client – VET Environmental Engineering


WETLAND DELINEATION AT +45 ACRE prairie border nature preserve

Jasper County, Indiana.  Client – Eco Logic, LLC.  Project Owner – The Nature Conservancy

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wetland delineation & stream assessment for 3.6 MILE railroad sidetrack

Scott County, Indiana.  Client – Janssen & Spaans Engineering.  Project Owner – Indiana & Louisville Railroad.

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Wetland Delineation & Stream Assessment for 60-acre Quarry Expansion

Columbus, Indiana.  Client and Project Owner- USAggregates



Wetland Delineations and Stream Assessments for added travel lanes along 14 miles of I-65

Jackson and Bartholomew Counties, Indiana.  Client – Beam, Longest, and Neff, LLC.  Project Owner – Indiana Department of Transportation

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stream and wetland mitigation Monitoring

Statewide, Indiana.  Client – CHA Consulting.  Project Owner – Indiana Department of Transportation

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Wetland Determination, Stream Assessment, and Clean Water Act Section 401/404 permit application for two bridge replacements

Putnam County, Indiana.  Client – Parsons, Cunningham, and Shartle.  Project Owner – Putnam County Highway Department



NEPA document for Housing/HUD Project at North Rogers and 11th

Bloomington, Indiana.  Client – Bruce Carter Associates.  Project Owner – City of Bloomington

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Development of Assessment Methods and Procedures for Two-Stage Ditches

Howard County, Indiana.  Client and Project Owner – Howard County


Monitoring well installation for I-69 Wetland Mitigation Sites

Bloomington and Martinsville, Indiana.  Client – Crane Environmental Services


Additional (less photogenic) projects:

  • Red Flag Investigations and NEPA documents for three SR 26 Roadway Improvement Projects, Pine Village, Warren County, Indiana. Client – Infrastructure Engineering. Owner – INDOT. (2018-2019)

  • Stream and Wetland Mitigation Plan and Permit Applications for Quarry Expansion in Columbus, Indiana. Client and Project Owner- USAggregates (2018-2019)

  • Wetland Delineation for 13-acre Solar Farm project at Parkland College, Champaign, Illinois. Client – AZTEC Engineering. Owner – Parkland College. (2018)

  • Wetland Delineation and Stream Assessment for 45-acre Housing Development at 17th and Arlington Road, Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana. Client – Bynum Fanyo and Associates. Owner – Trinitas. (2018)

  • Wetland Delineation and Stream Assessment for Small Structure Replacement on SR 62 over an unnamed tributary to Laughery Creek, Friendship, Ripley County, Indiana. Client – HNTB. Owner - INDOT. (2018)

  • Wetland Delineation and Stream Assessment for Small Structure Replacement on SR 129 over an unnamed tributary to Ripley Creek, Delaware, Ripley County, Indiana. Client – HNTB. Owner - INDOT. (2018)

  • Wetland Delineation Bridge Painting Project on SR 337, over Indian Creek, Corydon, Harrison County, Indiana. Client – HNTB. Owner - INDOT. (2018)

  • Wetland Delineation for 40-acre Plainfield School Expansion Site, Moon Road, Plainfield, Hendricks County, Indiana. Client – Context Design. Owner – Plainfield School Corporation. (2018)

  • Wetland Delineation, Stream Assessment, and Permitting Assistance for Drainage Improvement Project, Clayton, Hendricks County, Indiana. Client and Owner – Town of Clayton (2018)

  • Wetland Delineation and Stream Assessment for 23-acre Kennel Club Development, Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indiana. Client – Crane Environmental. (2018)

  • Wetland Delineation and Stream Assessment for 29-acre Outer Lincoln Development, Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indiana. Client – Crane Environmental. (2018)

  • Mitigation Monitoring for 318-foot Relocated Channel and 0.6 acres of Riparian Zone Plantings, along UNT Lick Creek at SR 157, Owen County, Indiana. Client – CHA Consulting. Owner – INDOT. (2018)

  • Mitigation Monitoring for 330 feet of Relocated Stream and Riparian Plantings, SR 445 at UNT Beech Creek, Greene County, Indiana. Client – CHA Consulting. Owner – INDOT. (2018)

  • Wetland, Stream, and Forested Floodway Mitigation Plan and Monitoring, combined total of 9695 feet of Stream Credits, 9.5 acres Wetland Mitigation, and 0.5 acres Forested Floodway Plantings, French Lick, Indiana. Client: EcoLogic. Project Owner: French Lick Resorts (2016-Present)

  • Bat Habitat Inspection, Sugar Creek Trail Extension, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana. Client – ICC Group. Owner – City of Crawfordsville. (2018)

  • Natural Resources Investigation, Montpelier Community Crossing Project, Jefferson Street, Montpelier, Indiana. Client – ms consultants. Owner – City of Montpelier. (2018)

  • Natural Resource Investigation, B-Line Trail Extension Project, Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana. Client – AZTEC Engineering. Owner – City of Bloomington. (2018)

  • Bat Inspection, Concord Road Culvert Replacement, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana. Client – Rieth Riley. Owner – INDOT. (2018)

  • Mitigation Monitoring for 2.8 acres Wetland Mitigation and 995 feet Stream Mitigation, SR 54 and Ritter Ditch, Bloomfield, Greene County, Indiana. Client – CHA Consulting. Owner – INDOT. (2017-2018)

  • Wetland Delineation, Stream Assessment, and Request for Approved Jurisdictional Determination for 187-acre Future Development, Richmond, Wayne County, Indiana. Client and Owner - Economic Development Corporation of Wayne County. (2017-2018)

  • Mitigation Monitoring at 3 sites associated with the Salem Bypass, combined total of 3,179 linear feet of Stream Mitigation, and 6.44 acres of Riparian Zone Plantings, Salem, Washington County, Indiana. Client – CHA Consulting. Owner – INDOT. (2017-2018)

  • Mitigation Monitoring of 455 linear feet of Stream Restoration with Riparian Buffer on Auburn Branch of Turkey Pen Creek, Greenwood, Johnson County, Indiana. Client – CHA Consulting. Owner – INDOT. (2017)

  • Mitigation Monitoring for 5,700 linear feet of Buffer Zone Plantings and 2-stage Ditch Construction on Rogers Ditch, Sullivan County, Indiana. Client – CHA Consulting. Owner – INDOT. (2017)

  • Wetland Delineation and Stream Assessment Team Member at Muscatatuck Urban Training Center (approximately 600 acres), Butlerville, Indiana. Client – Davey Resource Group. Project Owner – Department of Defense. (2017)

  • Wetland Delineation and Stream Assessment for Road Reconstruction and Bridge Replacement along Stipp Road and Moores Creek Road, Monroe County, Indiana. Client – AZTEC Engineering. Project Owner – Monroe County Highway Department. (2017)

  • Wetland Delineation and Stream Assessment for 23-acre Hamilton Southeastern Consolidated School Corporation Expansion Site, Fishers, Hamilton County, Indiana. Client – Context Design. Owner – Hamilton Southeastern Consolidated Schools. (2017)

  • Wetland Determination, Stream Assessment, and Clean Water Act Section 401/404 permit application for trail project in Carmel, Indiana. Client – USI. Project Owner – City of Carmel (2016)

  • Wetland and Waterways Delineation, Stream Restoration Plan, and After-the-Fact Permit application for Dam Construction Project in Seymour, Indiana. Client – VET Environmental Engineering (2016)

  • Development of Assessment Methods and Procedures for eight Two-Stage Ditches in Howard County, Indiana. Client and Project Owner – Howard County. (2016)

  • NEPA document for Housing/HUD Project at North Rogers Street and 11th Street in Bloomington, Indiana. Client – Bruce Carter Associates. Project Owner – City of Bloomington (2016)

  • Stream Assessment and After-the-Fact Permit application for Dam Construction Project near Birdseye, Indiana. Client – VET Environmental Engineering (2015)

  • SWPPP and Rule 5 permit application for Capping of Landfill near Martinsville, Indiana. Client and Project Owner – Morgan County. (2015)

  • Clean Water Act Section 401/404 permit applications for SR 205 over Wolf Road Drain, and SR 114 over Branch of Calf Creek, Whitley County, for SR 6 over Darkwood Ditch, Elkhart County, and for SR 114 over East Fork Clear Creek, Huntington & Whitley Counties, Indiana Project Owner – INDOT (2015)

  • Wetland and Stream Determination for 14 acre property in Indianapolis, Indiana. Client and Project Owner – Sheehan Development. (2015)